Articles for tag: Gallbladder, Gallstones

Risks and Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer

Approximately five thousand cases of gallbladder cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States. Most of these cases are found incidentally while a person is being examined for potential gallstones. Gallbladder cancer has a very poor prognosis, typically because the symptoms tend to be very vague and nonspecific. In addition the gallbladder is anatomically ...

Foods that Affect the Gallbladder

The gallbladder is a small organ located in the upper right section of the abdomen. The gallbladder lies between the liver and small intestines and is connected to both by ducts. The purpose of the gallbladder is to collect bile which is produced in the liver and supply the bile to the small intestines. The ...

Karla News

What is My Gallbladder and Why Do I Need Surgery?

The gallbladder is a small sac-like organ located under the liver in the right upper abdomen. Its function is to store and concentrate the bile. Bile is produced by the liver and functions in digestion of fats. The bile is stored in the gallbladder and then released during a meal in response to hormonal stimulus. ...

How to Relieve Gallbladder Pain

The gallbladder is a small organ that rests on the liver. A nonessential organ, the gallbladder’s central function is the storage of bile, which is a substance used in digestion. Frequently, however tiny this organ may be, it can become the cause of a great deal of pain. Gallbladder diseases can cause nausea, digestive complications, ...

Karla News

Why the Liver Flush is a Hoax

The “liver flush” has gained a reputation of being a cure for gallstones or liver disease. They are not only wrong, but they could be causing themselves and those who they advise to do the liver flush great harm. “Liver flush” proponents suggest that gallstones and liver toxins can be dissolved through the use of ...

How to Prevent Gallstones? Keep All Fats Low

I have heard of many people who have suffered from gallstones for years. But I have never really understood what gallstones are until I rushed my brother to the hospital one evening who was diagnosed a little later to have the condition. Everything I needed to know about the then condition of my brother was ...