Articles for tag: After Death Experiences, Death Penalty, Death Row, Funeral Speeches, The Death Penalty

Karla News

Women and the Death Penalty

As of December 31, 2007 there were 51 women on death row. This constitutes 1.5% of the total death row population of about 3, 350 persons. This number seems very small when it compares to the men that are on death row which makes a lot of people wonder whether the death penalty is applied ...

Karla News

Death in Everyman Plays

The characterization of death in Everyman sheds an important light on the beliefs of the people of the middle ages and thus, the audience and intention of the play. This role of death as God’s minion shows forth the truth that drives and permeates the play and nearly all medieval literature, the omnipotence of God. ...

Karla News

California’s Death Row

As of March 15, 2006 California had 634 men on death row in San Quentin. In the California Institute for Women in Frontera, 14 women are on death row. California has the second highest number of inmates on death row, exceeded only by Texas. Although California has one of the largest numbers of prisoner on ...

Karla News

The Study of Death in “The Summoning of Everyman”

In the play Everyman, death is personified and treated as an agent of God that goes to visit the plays protagonist, Everyman. The unknown author of the play uses Death as a character to present a very real truth that all people will meet death. Death is an antagonist in the play and represents physical ...