Articles for tag: Early Menopause, Estradiol, Fsh, Premature Menopause

Karla News

3 Herbal Supplements to Increase Pregnancy

Herbal supplements from around the world claim to increase the ability to conceive and carry a child full-term. This is music to many a woman’s ear, as the mental, physical and emotional stress from trying to conceive and dealing with infertility can wreak even the strongest gal or her marriage. From ancient Chinese medicine to ...

Karla News

What is the FSH Test for Women?

FSH is produced in the pituitary gland and, for women, controls the production of eggs and generally is a constant number range in the body. It also regulates the woman’s monthly cycle. FSH is short for the follicle stimulating hormone and is similar in both men and women in what it is used for and ...

Late Periods: Causes and When to Worry

Can a late period be a sign of cancer? Are late periods really worrying you? Menstruation normally occurs every 21 to 35 days. After 35 days is a truly late period, and your worry is understandable. An occasional late period may start between 36 and 40-something days after the start of the last menstrual cycle. ...

Karla News

Life with FSH Muscular Dystrophy

FacioScapuloHumeral, FSH, is a common form of Muscular Dystrophy, also known as Landouzy-D`ej`erine disease. The muscles of the face, scapula (shoulders) and the arms waste away through life, and sometimes the walking muscles, impacting the individual’s life in all three meanings- public, private, and personal. Although it is an inheritable disease, studies suggest between 10%- ...

Perimenopause Anxiety and Depression

Perimenopause, menopause, and hormones are three dreaded words. Perimenopause is the time before a woman’s menstrual cycle has ceased. Your cycle may be sporadic, irregular, extremely heavy, extremely light, but if you are still bleeding, you are in perimenopause. Menopause is the period of time after a woman has stopped bleeding. We have all heard ...