Articles for tag: Food Drive, Freerice

College Class to Help Feed the Hungry

It was Helen Keller who said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” I recently used that great quote while speaking to a class at the College of Mount St. Joseph (MSJ). The students there are going to help fight global hunger by playing FreeRice and walking Charity Miles as ...

Karla News

Grow Your Vocabulary and Feed the World with

Recently, I became aware of a wonderful Web site that donates rice to poor and hungry people all over the world. is a Web site that has a game with vocabulary words, and four choices to click on to match the word’s correct meaning. Click on the correct word, and starts to tally ...

Karla News

Win Free Prizes at Club Bing from Microsoft

What is Club Bing? Or rather Club Bing is a website that has many games that you can play. The games that you can play are mostly word games; they also have picture images games to play. There are word searches, word scrambles, word latter’s and more fun games. My favorite games to play ...