Articles for tag: Free Long Distance, Home Phone, Voice Mail, Vonage

Karla News

Comcast Digital Voice Vs. Verizon Phone Service

Verizon is, for lack of a better term, “your father’s Oldsmobile.” Around for decades in various incarnations and identities, Verizon is the good old reliable standby. The traditional service, simply plug a phone into the nearest jack and voila: we have contact. Comcast Digital Voice, on the other hand, is part of the new school. ...

Karla News

Internet Phone Options

We’ve all heard of it. “Broadband phone service”. But what is it exactly? Where do you get it, how does it work, do you even want it? Or want to know about it for that matter? Plain and simply, broadband phone service is a technology which allows us to receive and send phone signals along ...

Karla News

Cell Phone as Modem for Internet Connection While You Travel

Not all of us have internet capabilities readily available for laptops, palm pilots, and other devices where we may need an internet connection, pronto. Although there are many WiFi and internet connection spots populated at various locations around the country, you may not have access to the closest hotel or city while traveling. A modem ...

Karla News

Ways to Make Free Long Distance Calls

When trying to shave down the cost of living, many people eliminate long distance service from their landline calling plans. This alleviates the dread of opening the phone bill once a month since the cost is unlikely to vary, but it also takes away the ability to call beyond nearby cities and towns without using ...

Karla News

Product Review: Charter DSL

Dial-up service was good enough, as long as all I wanted to do online was submit notices to the church newsletter. But when a friend needed to use the Internet for job hunting, I realized we needed faster Internet access. A company called Charter was advertising DSL access plus one year of free long-distance calls ...