Articles for tag: ADP, Atp, Creatine, Free Energy, High Intensity

Karla News

A Simple Look at Creatine Phosphate and How it Works to Maintain High Intensity Exercise Activity

During exercise, hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) provides energy for muscles to contract and generate force for movement. As exercise continues, your body needs to regenerate ATP as without ATP, your muscles cannot contract and exercise activity will cease. The fastest mechanism your body uses to regenerate ATP is through the ...

Karla News

Gluten-Free Food Recommendations for Celiacs in a Hurry

Recently diagnosed with adult-onset celiac disease, I’ve found that one of my greatest struggles when it comes to eating safe, gluten-free foods happens when I’m in a hurry. No longer can I grab a bagel on the way to work, or pop into a bodega for a muffin. Most energy bars, many sports drinks and ...

Karla News

Free Energy and Over Unity Devices

Surfing YouTube can create wasted time beyond the minutes you spend sitting in front of your computer screen. I was poking around on Engadget the other night. I found an article about a kook who proclaims he will unveil a free energy device in June that will put all the oil companies out of business. ...