Articles for tag: Flea Killer

Flea and Tick Prevention for Your Cats

Flea and Tick prevention for cats is an ongoing battle for cat owners. Having two cats, I know that even if you keep your cat inside, there are still preventative measures you need to take because fleas and ticks can enter the house on the bottom of shoes, pant legs, the dog, and anything that ...

Karla News

Easy Ways to Get Rid of Fleas

A flea is a small wingless insect. They are parasites that live off the blood of birds and mammals. They are very small only 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch and flat of both sides, compressed. Fleas are a nuisance and cause itching and sometimes an allergic reaction. They are tough and very adaptable, making ...

Karla News

How to Stop Fleas on Your Cats

Fleas on your cat are more than just an itchy, scratchy bother. Fleas can cause allergic reactions in cats, which require Cortisone™ shots from your veterinarian. They can also cause other health problems in your cat such as Anemia and worms. Not only that, but fleas easily spread from cat-to-cat, cat-to-human, cat-to-other-pets, and from a ...