Articles for tag: flannery o'connor

An Analysis of Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country People

Thesis Statement: In Flannery O’Connor’s short story “Good Country People,” the expulsion of the outside world allows for more emphasis on the symbolic nature of each of the active characters. I. The Kitchen A. Introduction of the characters B. Symbolic use of names in and Hope.well C. Introduction of the outside world II. The ...

Karla News

Flawed Humanity in Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country People

“The point is that nobody likes having salt rubbed into their wounds, even,” wrote Rebecca West, “if it is the salt of the earth” (qtd. in Oxford 430). This statement reflects the intrinsic fallacies of human nature in Flannery O’Connor’s “Good Country People. Using symbolism, O’Connor illustrates the effects of physical and psychological problems, as ...

Karla News

Flannery O’Connor’s Southern Gothic Literary Style Shows Judgment is Wrong

Flannery O’Connor writes with an infusion of Christian beliefs mixed with a horrific humor in order to show the reader, through literary example, why one should examine him/herself more acutely. In general, John R. May summarized O’Connor’s goal in his piece “The Parable of Flannery O’Connor” as her “power of language to interpret its listener ...

Karla News

Flannery O’Connor: American Literary Hidden Treasure

Flannery O’Connor was an American short story writer of the mid-20th Century who possessed exceptional talent and received high critical acclaim, yet her work today seems obscure if not apocryphal. “Dismissed as a minor writer by some critics, totally rejected by others…” (Lukas 5197) or as eloquently described in 1997 by Joseph Zornado …[R]ecent scholarship ...