Articles for tag: First Trimester, Sex During Pregnancy

Karla News

What You Should Know: First Trimester of Pregnancy (0-13 weeks)

This is one of a series of articles on pregnancy. For more information about pregnancy and birth options, see my other articles including my series on homebirth. The First Trimester The first trimester is unique, in that you aren’t pregnant for 2 weeks of it and may not feel symptoms for up to 6 weeks. ...

What to Expect During the First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy includes weeks one-thirteen of pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy actually begins two weeks before (depending on your luteal phase or the length of time from ovulation until menses) a period is missed. Most women who use a home pregnancy test discover their pregnancy around four-five weeks, which is around ...

Causes of Bleeding During Your First Trimester

Nothing is more scary than being pregnant and finding out that you have started bleeding. Vaginal bleeding is any type of blood that is coming from the vagina (the uterine canal leading to the genitals). There are several different causes for bleeding during the first trimester. This bleeding can affect 20%-30% of all pregnancies and ...

10 Things to Expect During Your First Trimester of Pregnancy

Whether planned or unexpected, pregnancy is an exciting experience for every woman and comes with many changes. Below is a list of early signs of pregnancy and symptoms to expect during your first trimester. A missed period is the classic and most obvious symptom of pregnancy. However, this does not mean you are pregnant for ...

Karla News

Yes, You CAN Do that While You’re Pregnant!

There are so many dos and don’ts of pregnancy that sometimes pregnant women start to wonder if there’s anything they can do or eat safely! Sometimes it seems like everything is off-limits. I’ve heard of women carrying around pocket reference manuals for quick checks as to whether something is safe during pregnancy. Our society is ...