Articles for tag: Box Turtle, Dandelion Greens, Finicky Eaters, Vitamin a Deficiency

Karla News

Vitamin A Deficiency in Pet Box Turtles

Hypovitaminosis A, a vitamin A deficiency common in captive box turtles, endangers healthy hibernation patterns. Since turtles eat a frequently unbalanced diet, it is up to the pet owner to supervise the nutritional intake. Would you know what to look for? Does My Box Turtle Suffer from Hypovitaminosis A? Swollen eyelids are a telltale sign ...

Karla News

B12 and Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that can affect a child’s social, cognitive and emotional development. The symptoms of autism may be present in infancy; however, other times, diagnosis may not occur until a child is school-age. No one is quite sure what causes autism, though genetics and environment may play a role. Some people believe ...

Karla News

Appetite Stimulants for Babies

A baby’s eating habits vary widely for a variety of reasons. Some are simply finicky when it comes to eating while others will eat anything and everything on their plates. Babies that have a prolonged loss of appetite, however, require help in getting the nutrients necessary to grow and flourish. In these instances, parents may ...

Karla News

Caring for the Geriatric Cat

At times it feels like it happened overnight… It seems like yesterday when you welcomed a feisty little kitten to your home and now it is a senior cat dealing with the process of aging. Well, there is no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy your geriatric cat and at the same time ensure that kitty’s ...

Karla News

A Guide to Feeding Corn Snakes

Many people, when shopping for pet snakes, consider the corn snake. These snakes, also known as red rat snakes, are constrictors like their relatives the boa and the python. Unlike their relatives, however, corn snakes typically reach a maximum length of six feet long and a maximum width of two fingers. For potential pet owners, ...