Articles for tag: Filing Taxes, Tax Act

Karla News

Top 5 Online Tax Services

When tax season rolls around people are often excited about the money they might receive as a refund, but the thought of actually filling out the tax forms may seem a little scary. Filing taxes is easier now that it has ever been thanks to all of the different programs that are available to help ...

Karla News

TaxCut Premium Preview

Everyone doing their own taxes comes up with this every year, How do I file? The standard forms & mailing, H&R; Block TaxCut or TurboTax. There really are no alternatives and I get to try my hand with the H&R; Block method of filing this year using the TaxCut Premium Federal tax program. I have ...

Karla News

Tax Question: What If I Don’t Get a 1099?

Like so many others in America, I am patiently waiting for my tax forms and 1099 during this time of year. Don’t we all just love to see how much money we have earned? Okay, well, maybe we all aren’t that excited to pace by the door awaiting the mailman’s arrival. But, what happens if ...