Articles for tag: Fibroids, Pain During Sex, Uterus

Could You Have Fibroids? Are They Dangerous?

Throughout a large part of my career I was a medical underwriter at various levels in the life and health insurance industry. My job was to assess the future risk peoples’ medical condition presented to the company. When the applicant was a woman, you could often count on the fact that there would be “fibroids” ...

Karla News

My Experience with a Myomectomy

I never thought a fibroid could be such a problem until I had to have a myomectomy. In 2004, I was having some lower back pain so my gynecologist ordered an ultrasound to see if the fibroid on my uterus had gotten bigger. And it did. About 2 weeks later, I had a myomectomy. What ...

Cure Fibroids Naturally

Although there are no guaranteed natural remedies for fibroids, there are a few treatments that you can try which may help to reduce their size or at least prevent them growing further, and reduce the heavy bleeding that is often associated with uterine fibroids. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors usually found in the womb (uterus) and ...

Natural Fibroid Cures

A fibroid is the most common type of pelvic tumor in women between the ages of 35 and 45 years. Though fibroids commonly form as multiple tumors, sometimes a fibroid can be a single mass. If you, or someone you care about, has been diagnosed with fibroids, you’re probably looking at medication to ease the ...

4 Natural Ways to Reduce the Size of Fibroids

Over the years, it has become obvious through the process of aging that one of the most important things in a person’s life is to make sure that he or she is in optimal shape to face all the situations that encountered in everyday life. One health problem that many women face today is fibroids. ...

Karla News

Shrinking Fibroids Naturally: It Can Be Done!

Fibroids are a menace to women’s fertility, they can place themselves either on the outside, middle muscle of the uterus, or on the inside of the uterus. Fertility is mostly hampered from the ones on the inside of the uterus, but depending on the size, fertility can also be hampered from the ones placed in ...

Karla News

How to Fight Fibroids: Treatment and Prevention

Fibroid tumors are a problem that affects many women. Often called uterine fibroids, these are tumors or growths made up of muscle cells and other tissue that grow within the wall of the uterus. In most cases fibroids are noncancerous but they can still cause great problems for the women who suffer from them. The ...

Karla News

Shrink Fibroids Without Using Medication

My diagnosis for fibroids (which are benign tumors in the uterus) was a surprise. Although I worked as an RN for more than two decades, it never occurred to me that fibroids were causing my heavy bleeding every month. As it turns out, fibroids are very common and it’s estimated that 75% of women will ...