Articles for tag: Federalist Papers

Karla News

Top Ten Books for Graduation Gifts

Thinking about a graduation gift for a high school or college graduate? An eye-opening book can make the ideal gift. A book is durable, and a good book provides priceless knowledge useful for eternity. Here is a list of top ten books ideal for any high school or college graduate of either sex. Feel free ...

Karla News

The United States Constitution

The United States Constitution was written to protect the people of the United States from its own government. It was also written to keep the government from having total control over the people. Many events and historical documents such as The Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Federalist Papers were ...

Karla News

A Discussion of Federalist Paper #10

In the Federalist Papers #10, “The Same Subject Continued: The Union as a Safeguard against Domestic Faction and Insurrection”, Madison uses the paper to warn against the power of factions to destroy the country and oppress the citizens. As he argues in favor of the ratification of the Constitution, he demonstrates how a federal government ...

Karla News

Stumped by Questions on the New U.S. Citizenship Test?

Answering questions about United States history, government, and geography should be a snap if you were born and educated here, right? Maybe not. Last month, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued an overhauled test for applicants seeking to become American citizens. According to an article in the September 28 Washington Post by Karin ...

Karla News

The Bill of Rights in Historical Context

When the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia to develop the United States Constitution, it produced a Constitution that did not include the present day Bill of Rights. The Constitution, however, could not be ratified without it, and the inclusion of the Bill of Rights became a condition in order to gain support of many states ...