Articles for tag: Febrile Seizures

How to Treat Your Toddler’s Fever

When your child isn’t feeling well and has a fever it is important for you as the parent to try your best to comfort the child. Some children are very uncomfortable when they are running a high temperature, while other children act perfectly normal. As a parent, you need to know your child to properly ...

Karla News

Understanding Febrile Seizures in Young Children

If you have ever gone through a febrile seizure with your child for the first time, you might know what it feels like to experience the fear of death. In 1986, when I was a young mother, I took my daughter who was 6 months old to the doctor to check out a high fever ...

Karla News

Roseola- a Childhood Disease

A mild infection that affects children in their early years, roseola can occasionally be contracted by adults as well. Roseola is so commonplace that most kids have been exposed to it before they enter kindergarten. Roseola is caused by a pair of viruses, and results in a fever that can linger for several days followed ...

Karla News

Causes of Childhood Seizures

In youth, a variety of causes can precipitate seizures. This happens often enough that approximately 3% of children have a seizure before the age of 15. Severity of the seizures, including the cause, can help determine the type of treatment that is necessary. While the majority of seizures in children are caused by fever (febrile ...

Karla News

Children’s Advil VS. Children’s Tylenol

My daughter is a regular user of Advil and Tylenol to keep her fevers down. If she doesn’t use them she has febrile seizures. Using them so much has taught me a lot about how they work, and which one is actually better. I will compare the two in this article. Price: I just wanted ...

Karla News

Breaking Your Child’s Fever

When your child has a fever it can be a very scary thing, and unless you know how to treat this fever it may even cause many parents to panic. However, educating yourself on the best ways to reduce a fever is much better than panicking! Stay calm, and keep reading. First off the most ...

Karla News

What to Do If Your Child Has a Febrile Seizure

A febrile seizure is a seizure in a young child that is caused by a high fever. Generally the seizure happens when the fever is rising for whatever reasons. Many parents have not even realized their child has a fever until the seizure happens. These seizures are extremely scary while they are happening, but relaxing ...

Roseola: What is It? What You Can Do If Your Child Has it

Right now, my 11-month old daughter has roseola. She is cranky, miserable, and sure that I can fix it. (But I can’t.) Since I didn’t know roseola existed before my first baby got it, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned with new parents. Roseola is a highly contagious childhood virus that most commonly affects ...