Articles for tag: Family Fitness, FCAT, Jazzercise, YMCA

Karla News

Bay County YMCA

If you are like most people in Bay County, you know that Panama City is like most cities in America. We have a mall, restaurants, schools, movie theatres, and parks. What you may not have been aware of however is that Panama City is among more than 2,400 cities in America that is home to ...

Karla News

Tips to Score a 6 on the FCAT Writing

Types of Essays There are many types of essays, but only two that you need to know of that will be presented in your FCAT writes. The two types of essays are persuasive and expository. The difference between the two is that expository is to explain a point, while persuasive is to convince the reader ...

Karla News

Increasing Literacy in Florida Public Schools

Literacy levels in the Florida Public School Systems are not as high as the state would like them to be. After many initiatives and various methods to try and improve the literacy rate, 77% of Florida’s 4th graders are still are reading below proficiency (Youth). The North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC) is currently running ...

Karla News

5 Crucial Tips for Proctoring Standardized Tests

The FCAT booklets were lined up on shelves waiting for us. They were each 350 pages long and we were expected to look them over in preparation for the upcoming Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. A knot in my stomach tightened as I grabbed mine. I thumbed through it, even though I have read it multiple ...