Articles for tag: Fall Cleaning

House Cleaning Basics

Fall is a great time of year to do a major clean-up in your house. You can open your windows and let the cool, fresh air breeze through, there’s no heat to sap your energy, and you’ll be inspired by thoughts of having a sparkling house for the holidays. But what if you never learned ...

Karla News

Labor Day Dessert Recipes

When I look through my recipes I always find something that I had forgotten about and is totally interesting. Sometimes this leads me off in a totally different direction that I was headed and I lose track of what the original intent was! Let’s see…I’m looking at dessert recipes, oh but wait, here are directions ...

Karla News

How to Get Free Stuff You Can Sell for Cash

Many people are interested in making money at flea markets or through online auctions such as Ebay. Usually, you would start by selling unwanted or unneeded things that they find around their home: old clothing, knick-knacks and collectibles, old DVDs or music CDs. After their stock of unwanted used good dries up, you have to ...

Karla News

How to Clean Vent Covers the Easy Way

Sitting in my living room this week staring at my ceiling I noticed something quite horrible – – the vents in my ceiling are filthy. I am not a clean freak; however, I do keep a tidy home. I am also careful about dust because our daughter has asthma. I immediately decided to clean all ...