Articles for tag: Cable Tv, Fall 2007 Tv

Karla News

Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy The ‘New’ TV Guide

TV Guide magazine is an American cultural icon. For decades, people everywhere have been consulting the trusted, and reliable digest- size publication for information about which television programs and movies are airing at any given time. Accurate listings of all local and cable channels and the programs they feature, have been a hallmark of TV ...

Karla News

Television in the 1940’s and 1950’s

The 1940’s-1950’s were quite eventful for the still relatively new invention called television. Technical Advances In 1943, RCA demonstrated a new TV Camera that gave the public its first glimpse of an image that was far above the images that had been possible in early television. The format of early TV news had been borrowed ...

Karla News

How to Get Free Cable TV

Canceling your cable or satellite subscription and watching free TV online can save you up to a $1000 a year. It sounds like the good old days of doing without, but really it isn’t. Even if you are only paying for basic cable, canceling it can save you almost $400 a year. Most likely you ...

Karla News

1950s TV Shows that Featured Pop Singers

The arrival, acceptance, and then dominance of television in the 1950s was phenomenal. Commercial television broadcasting, initiated in 1947 in the United States, signaled that a new medium would influence popular music. In 1948, only New York, Washington, and Philadelphia were networked to receive live television, by 1949, the east and midwest were joined, and ...