Articles for tag: Exfoliators, Muscle Relaxer, Smelly Feet

Karla News

6 Ways to Use Epsom Salt to Improve Your Health

Commonly it’s known as “Epsom Salt”, but its scientific name is “magnesium sulfate heptahydrate.” It’s made up of about ten percent magnesium and thirteen percent sulfur. This mineral, which resembles clear crystals, was originally discovered in Epsom, England- hence its common name- centuries ago. Since that time, Epsom Salt has been used on humans, animals, ...

Karla News

Boscia Skin Care Products

Chemical Preservative Free Skin Care Products are of more importance today than ever. Boscia Skin Care Products are among the leading lines of chemical preservative free skin care that offers a complete skin care line ideal for use by men or women. Made from high quality natural ingredients, Boscia Skin Care Products offer a wide ...

Karla News

Homemade Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Beta Hydroxy Acids Skincare

Acids for skin care are all the rage right now. They are more effective exfoliants than manual exfoliators, as they pose less of a risk for irritating inflamed or sensitive skin. However, skin care products featuring such acids can be pricey sometimes. This doesn’t mean that you can’t experience their benefits. You can make masks ...

Karla News

Pros and Cons of Clinique Skincare Products

Clinique continues to be one of the leading brands at the department store beauty counter, a skincare and cosmetics company that stands apart from the rest with its simple packaging, unique formulas, and competitive prices. It’s the preferred brand of choice by many women with dry or oily skin, and features a signature 3-step solution ...

Karla News

How to Naturally Minimize Large Pores

One of the side effects of clogged pores and recurrent acne can haunt you for years after the pimples and blemishes have cleared up for good. While inherited genetically by some, large pores are also a common problem for men and women with a history of acne problems. Although not medically harmful in any way, ...

Treating Sunburns at Home

Every year during the summer months, many people get sunburned. Those who get sunburns often treat them at home. With the worst case sunburn, professional treatment should be sought out. For those who have the usual case of sunburns can be treated at home with over the counter products, homemade recipes for sunburns or a ...

Karla News

Dove Skinvitalizer Review

There are over a hundred beauty products out there aimed to keep your skin looking youthful, radiant and healthy. One of the best ways to do this to make sure you exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells. Often times blemishes and dull looking skin is the result of dead skin build up. You’ll ...

Karla News

Top Spa Products for 2010

When you hear the word SPA what do you envision? A place filled with pleasant aromas, relaxing music, a massage perhaps. The word itself is derived from the name the town in Belgium, Spa, known since the early 14th century as the site for it’s healing hot springs, and it’s mineral water is stilled bottled ...

Karla News

Review of Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Milk

Recently I was given 3 products by Dr. Hauschka. I had never before heard of this company, and after receiving the products I immediately had to look them up. I learned that this company was actually a high end company that sold very effective beauty products. These products by Dr. Hauschka are supposedly so effective ...

Karla News

Ten Top Facial Scrubs and Exfoliators

Winter is approaching fast and some of us suffer from server dry skin all over our bodies including our faces, which means your skin will have a white flaky appearance in some spots. However, there are tons of facial exfoliators out on the market today that can help get rid of your dry flaky skin ...