Articles for tag: Attracting Hummingbirds, Evening Primrose

Karla News

Flowers that Bloom at Night

Typically, flowers bloom during the day, turning their faces to the sun. Some flowers, however, will keep their blossoms closed during the day, much to the frustration of bees attracted to their fragrance, and instead, will open in late afternoon through evening. Following are some varieties that are nocturnal in their blooming preferences. These night ...

Use Aroma Therapy to Treat Broken Capillaries

Broken capillaries occur when the capillary wall narrows then widens too fast causing the muscles in the walls to tear when this happens it allows blood to seep out which results in broken capillaries. Broken capillaries are most commonly found on the face in the cheeks and on the nose. Broken capillaries are small red ...

Karla News

What You Should Know About Breast Cysts

Don’t think “cancer” just because you feel a lump in your breast. It may be a cyst. A breast cyst is made up of a dilated milk duct and its surrounding tissue, often forming a fluid-filled sac. Breast cysts or fibrocystic cysts, as they are called, come in all sizes. When your breasts feel like ...

Karla News

Evening Primrose Cure for Menopause

Numerous studies have been conducted concerning alternative treatments for menopause and hot flashes, and evening primrose is one of the natural products that have been studied. According to surveys, control of hot flashes is the number one reason that women seek treatment during the years leading up to and following menopause. Because so much scientific ...

Karla News

Five of the Best Night Scented Flowers

Most plants bloom during the day when the sun shines, but there are some plants that are too shy to bloom during the day. They save all their beauty and release their fragrance to grace the nighttime hours. It’s always nice to open the windows and allow the breeze to carry the scent into the ...

Karla News

Create a Garden of Fragrant Flowers

Flowers fill the air with a fragrance. Sweet, heady, exotic, and spicy fragrances perfume the air with their various scents. Fragrance is ever changing, as the flowers come and go, the fragrance is never quite the same. Romantic fragrance gardens can set the mood for a romantic evening, perfuming the air with lovely aromas. Aromatherapy ...

Karla News

Evening Primrose for Menopause

Evening primrose is a common roadside wildflower which grows all over the United States. The oil from the seeds has been used as a natural medicinal agent for conditions such as stomach aches, respiratory infections and many other ailments. It is high in essential fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and may be of ...