Articles for tag: Educational Research, Ethnography, Reward Systems

Karla News

Ethnographic Research in Education

Ethnographic research is a naturalistic, observational method that produces real descriptions of context and culture. It alternates between a narrow and a broad focus. Ethnographers study a wide range of subjects, including, individual behavior, environmental conditions, and shared, taken-for-granted patterns of belief. In ethnography, researchers engage systematically with those they are studying by participating in ...

Karla News

Research Methods

Introduction The distinction between sociology and cultural anthropology can occasionally be quite vague. They use similar forms of research, and have similar goals. However, where cultural anthropology seeks to understand specific cultures, sociology seeks to understand human beings as social creatures within and without their culture. Sociology Archival Research or Secondary Analysis Archival research or ...

Karla News

Mountains Beyond Mountains: A Book Review

The Haitian proverb, “Tout moun se moun,” we’re all human beings, radiates throughout and shakes the very core of the nonfiction work by Tracy Kidder, Mountains Beyond Mountains (Kidder 80). Paul Farmer, an extraordinary medical anthropologist who travels the world healing the poorest and most helpless of people, is brought to life in a simplistic ...

Karla News

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Methods

In the studies of education, quantitative and qualitative approaches are commonly used. The methodologies are different. The purpose of a quantitative approach is to describe the current environment, investigate relationships, and to study cause and effect. The purpose of a qualitative approach is to provide a focused, interpreted, and detailed study of the participants and ...

Karla News

Beautiful Attractions in Ukraine

Ukraine is a beautiful, history-filled country in the east of Europe. If you are planning a trip to the Ukraine, there are many sites and attractions that you will want to see. From breathtaking scenery to shopping and historical landmarks, you will want to see as much as you possibly can. Here are some of ...

Karla News

Chisinau, Moldova: Ten Attractions for Visitors

Tucked between Romania and Ukraine is the nation of Moldova, which grew directly out of the former Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic after the fall of the USSR in 1991. As a country still trying to define its political and cultural orientations, Moldova makes for an interesting tourist spot with plenty of accessible attractions. Though it ...

Karla News

The Catholic Mass

Cultures tend to use mild scare tactics in order to get their children to behave properly, stories that serve a purpose, such as keeping small children in bed (“The boogy man will get you!”). Most stories are grown out of but the person retains the action (or inaction) that the story impressed upon them. As ...