Articles for tag: Criminal Activity, Entrapment

Karla News

Entrapment in Criminal Law

Entrapment is not as common a crime as most people would believe it to be, and it is far more complicated than what you might find depicted in movies and on television. Entrapment occurs when a government agent or agency convinces a private citizen to commit a crime when he or she would not be ...

Alleviating Sciatica Nerve Pain

Sciatica pain affects millions of Americans each year. For many, the condition is acute in nature and often attributed to a medical condition such as a minor low back injury or even pregnancy. For others, however, sciatica pain is much more significant; attributing to chronic pain in the back and legs with a debilitating impact ...

Karla News

Criminal Defense Case Analysis

Criminal Defense Case Analysis Throughout this document a discussion of two main defense types used within our criminal justice system will be explored: factual and legal. The factual defense will be extremely brief but the legal defense will offer two sub-group defenses justification and excuse along with six sub-categories for each. Justifications six sub-groups consist ...

Karla News

Have You Been a Victim of Police Entrapment?

Police entrapment has long been a problem in the United States and abroad because it is difficult to prove and because of the alleged “blue wall”. Some people-particularly defense attorneys-stipulate that police officers will protect one another regardless of what actually happened, making police entrapment even more difficult to prove as a defense to a ...

Top Facts About Baxter’s Nerve Entrapment

Considering that our feet carry the burden of supporting the entire rest of our body, when you are experience foot pain, and particularly heel pain, it can definitely have a big effect on your day-to-day life. While most cases of heel pain are associated with plantar fasciitis, other times the condition is misdiagnosed and the ...