Articles for tag: English as a Second Language, ESL, Esl Students, Your Esl, Your Esl Students

Karla News

Class Warm Ups for English-as-a-Second-Language Students

An English-as-a-Second-Language, beginning-of-class warm up is a great way to start class and get students in an English-learning frame of mind. Many ESL students come to your classroom from an atmosphere where English is not spoken. If you are like me – teaching English to kids in a foreign country – oftentimes, the ESL students ...

Karla News

English as a Second Language (ESL) in America

English as a second language (ESL) classes have been in public schools, officially, for several years now, and classes range from Pre-Kindergarten to High School. The reason for the class has mostly been due to the large influx of Mexican children in the United States. These children have typically proven to be quick and eager ...

Karla News

Music and ESL Students

In my house music has a big role in my daughter’s life-the television shows she watches, the playgroup she attends twice a week, the radio we listen to in the car when going from place to place-it would seem that a lot of children are really immersed in music. I’m this sure has a huge ...

Karla News

Stative and Dynamic Verb Activities

Stative and dynamic verbs can be confusing for ESL students. Verbs that come from the same root word can have two different meanings in some sentences, depending on how they are used. Help your English as a second language students understand the differences between these types of verbs by using these tips. Stative verbs describe ...