Articles for tag: Electroshock, Haunted Ohio, Headstones, Insanity Plea, Ohio University

Karla News

The Ridges/Athens Medical Center: A Haunted, Ohio Mental Institution

For some reason, mental institutions are frequently rumored to be haunted, especially in the United States, and The Ridges is no exception. Horror movies frequently show these buildings as lumbering, hulking structures with cobwebs in the corners and ghosts lurking around every corner. Abandoned mental institutions are even worse for rumors of hauntings. Unfortunately for ...

Karla News

Depakote in the Treatment of Manic Depression

The medication Depakote has saved lives and has improved the quality of life for many other people; I am proof of that. Manic Depression is a terrible illness. I know that because I have it. It can ruin family, work and personal well-being as well as friendships. Manic Depression is typically inherited, and, a person ...

Tough Mudder 2012: Michigan/Ohio

For those readers who haven’t yet heard about the Tough Mudder, let me briefly fill you in on what you’ve been missing. The Tough Mudder is a grueling 10-12 mile obstacle course originally designed by members of the British Military’s Special Forces. The purpose of the event (and let me make this clear – it ...

Karla News

Recap: ‘Homeland,’ Season 1, Episode 12, ‘Marine 1’

“Homeland,” Season 1, Episode 12, “Marine 1,” begins with Brody, resplendent in his Marine uniform, recording his terrorist suicide recording. It is a vile, horrible justification for the mass slaughter he intends to carry out. Spoilers follow. Carrie, in the meantime, is all but catatonic, in the depression phase of her bipolar episode. Her life ...