Articles for tag: Copperheads, Elderly Dogs, Healthy Dogs, Poisonous, Venomous Snakes

Poisonous Snake Bite Vaccine for Dogs

Red Rock Biologics produces a poisonous snake bite vaccine for dogs. The poisonous snake bite vaccine is specific for Western Diamondback rattlesnake bites. It also confers protection against Western Rattlesnake bites and the bites of Sidewinders, Timber Rattlesnakes, Massasaugas and Copperheads. The vaccine for venomous snakes confers partial protection against Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake bites. Poisonous ...

Karla News

Signs of Canine Dementia

With advances in dog nutrition and veterinary care, dogs are capable of living well into their teens (depending on the breed). Just as elderly people get often become progressively senile, so too do dogs. There are many distinctive signs of canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome, popularly known as “doggy dementia” or “doggy Alzheimer’s.” Veterinarians tend to ...

Karla News

Saving Your Dog from Deadly Dehydration

One of the most serious and often overlooked threats to your dog’s health is dehydration. It can occur at any time of year and in any temperature. However, many dog owners associate dehydration with hot weather, so they can miss the symptoms in winter. Left untreated, dehydration can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure, and ...

Karla News

Nutritional Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Raw Chicken

When we decided to transition our dog to a raw diet, we did a ton of research about the different meat sources we could potentially use. While our dog does get a variety, we decided to feed a diet based on chicken. Not only is it cheap and easy to procure, it is also one ...

Karla News

Symptoms of Dogs with Bone Cancer

Dog bone cancer, typically affects large and giant dog breeds, generally arising in middle aged to elderly dogs. Most dogs develop this form of cancer when they are 6 years or older. While any bone can virtually be affected by cancer, the limbs are affected 75 to 85 percent of the time, according to Mar ...