Articles for tag: Buying a Pet, Campbells, Egg Production

Karla News

Raising Ducks in Your Backyard

Raising duck pets is certainly not the norm, however, ducks make great pets. They are trainable, live up to 25 years, are very friendly, and good with children. There are just a few things to know about ducks in order to have a successful experience. Raising ducks First thing to do is check the zoning ...

Karla News

Soy Isoflavones – Clomid Substitute?

When I was a young mother giving birth to my third child, I was in a difficult marriage with in-laws who did not always understand me. One day, my now ex husband’s aunt asked me to join her for a cup of tea. Though I refused the tea, I accepted a moment to visit with ...

Egg Donation: The Emotional and Physical Implication

When a woman is considering egg donation, there are many psychological, emotional and physical factors to consider as part of this fertility process. From anonymous egg donation to donation “upon request”, women donors should be fully educated in the process and lifelong implications before considering the egg donation fertility procedure. The following is an overview ...

Karla News

How to Keep Chickens for Eggs and Meat

Growing up in farm country I was raised on farm fresh eggs. Not eggs that were labeled ‘farm fresh’ but rather eggs that were acquired straight from the source. Given the increase in the price of eggs at the store, the concerns over chemical use, and the problems with factory processed meat, raising chickens in ...

How to Start Your Own Chicken Farm

The ultimate recession proof food has to be, hands down, the egg. So why do I say that? Well, let’s look into the math. A box of jumbo eggs is around $3 at the supermarket. Out of this box a typical adult will have 2 eggs per meal. That averages out to around .25$ an ...