Articles for tag: Effects of Divorce

Karla News

The Impact of Divorce on Small Children

Divorce is a strange concept for children to understand. With so many marriages ending in divorce today, it is often the children who are at the greatest risk of suffering the emotional complications when a marriage falls apart. As parents, understanding the very nature the divorce may have on our children, and possibly timing a ...

Karla News

Traumatic Effects of Divorce on Children

Some children can go through a divorce with little or no effect on their lives. They understand what’s going on with their parents and do their best to deal with the situation. In some situations the effects of divorce on children can be very painful and have some serious side effects. If you and your ...

Karla News

A New Study Reveals the Effects of Divorce on Health

A divorce is never a good thing – seems like at some point a couple always gets in a tug of war over property, children and assets. Obviously, no couple goes into marriage thinking they will be the ones who won’t make it. The “economical” effects of divorce on the soon-to-be ex-husband and wife are ...

Karla News

How Divorce Can Affect Young Children

The biggest issues for children of divorce involve emotional development. Girls whose parents divorce when they are very young tend to handle the divorce better than boys, though between the ages of nineteen to twenty-three the females may experience a resurgence of negative feelings relating to the divorce, a phenomenon named the “Sleeper Effect” by ...