Articles for tag: Easyjet, Edinburgh Castle

Karla News

See Edinburgh, Scotland in Just One Day

Plan on traveling to Scotland but don’t have enough time to spend in Edinburgh? That’s okay, this is your guide to seeing what Edinburgh is all about! Edinburgh, unlike Glasgow, has a much older feel to it. Walking down the Royal Mile (the mile long walk from Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood House, where the Queen ...

Karla News

Scottish Castles to Visit

Edinburgh Castle – Situated in the heart of Edinburgh this is one castle not to be missed while touring Scotland. This is one of the most popular tourist locations as it is in Scotland’s capital city. The castle sits on a fantastic display of volcanic rock, that in the past was a defense mechanism against ...

Karla News

A Review of Rick Steves’ Snapshot Scotland

Typically one does not praise a reference book for what it omits, but in the case of Rick Steves’Snapshot Scotland, brevity is one of its chief virtues. This up-to-date extract from his lengthier Rick Steves’ Great Britain 2010 focuses entirely on the best places to visit in Scotland. Further, he limits the verbiage by honing ...