Articles for tag: Early Menopause, Menopause Health Risks, Perimenopause, Women's Health Risks

Abnormal Bleeding During Menopause

Identification Abnormal vaginal or uterine bleeding is often mistaken for early or infrequent menstrual cycles. This type of bleeding can come from a number of health problems, mainly dealing with irregular hormonal levels and concerns in the uterus, ovaries or vagina. Spotting is actually a small amount of blood that comes out sporadically. This blood ...

Physical and Emotional Challenges with Early Perimenopause

Health Issues For some women, the perimenopause stage is a wake-up call. Their bodies are changing and good health becomes a greater issue. For women in early perimenopause, this happens sooner and is sometimes unexpected. Perimenopause is the period around the onset of menopause when a woman first starts to notice physical symptoms. Menopause usually ...

Common Causes and Signs of Premature Menopause

Menopause eventually happens to every woman. Generally, most women experience menopause somewhere between the 48th and 55th year of their life. The common average age of the start of menopause in the United States is 51. However, there are many women that experience the start of menopause much early. Early menopause can be caused by ...

Karla News

Do You Have These Premature Menopause Symptoms?

In the years before you start regularly missing your periods and routinely having hot sweats, your body goes through any number of pre-menopause symptoms. Just as some women are crippled during their period and other women aren’t bothered by it at all, early menopause symptoms differ in type and severity from woman to woman. About ...

Karla News

Triple-X Females

Triple-X Females A female usually has only 2 X-chromosomes in each cell. In approximately 1 per 1,000 female births, a child is born with 3 X-chromosomes in each cell. Most often this condition isn’t diagnosed until later in life. People normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Two of the 46 chromosomes are sex chromosomes, ...

Premature Menopause Symptoms

If you are looking for information on premature menopause symptoms then it would be a good idea for you to read this article. In this article we will look at what premature menopause is, how it affects a woman, and finally will take a look at the symptoms that a woman who is going through ...