Articles for tag: Early Labor, Nausea, Signs of Labor

Causes of Nausea During Labor and Delivery

Childbirth can be a very stressful event for both the mother and the infant. There are multiple things going on with a woman’s body during this process it’s important to understand what can cause things like nausea to surface during the birthing stages, as this can be an added stressor to the mother during labor. ...

Understanding Cephalic Fetal Positions

Much ado is made about the position of a fetus in the final few weeks of pregnancy. Many expectant mothers are anxious to know the exact position of the baby, and it is important to be aware of it: if the baby is in a breech position, with his foot, knee, or tail bone closest ...

How to Prevent Preterm Labor

Preterm labor occurs when an expecting mother delivers a baby before the 37th week of pregnancy, which is approximately three weeks before the due date. Although many premature babies grow to become healthy, normal size infants, delivering a baby prematurely may result in long term or permanent health problems. Thus, it is highly important for ...

6 Tips for a Natural Labor and Delivery

Childbirth is one of the greatest challenges and most rewarding experiences a woman can go through. For most, getting pregnant is one of the happiest times of their lives, and looking forward to meeting their child makes the discomforts of pregnancy entirely worthwhile. However, many women spend at least a little time worrying about the ...

Nausea During Labor – Causes and Cures

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman’s life filled with excitement and great expectations but labor can be another story altogether. Yes, labor can be uncomfortable to say the least. One labor affliction many women must deal with is nausea and sometimes even vomiting. Many things can cause nausea during labor. Nausea is ...

Placenta Previa: What it is and How to Treat It

Hearing your doctor tell you that something is wrong when you are pregnant is scary, but when you hear words that you don’t understand, like “placenta previa”, the fear goes up a notch. To help ease your worries, this article will explain exactly what the condition is and how it can be treated. Placenta previa ...

How to Correctly Time Labor Contractions

When your pregnancy gets to the point where you think you are in labor, it is important to know the correct way to time contractions. When you call your Midwife or Obstetrician they will need to know exact times of your contractions, how long they last and how far apart they are. If you are ...

A Look at Herbs that are Harmful During Pregnancy

During pregnancy most of us women tend to get a lot of aches and pains along with morning sickness and a whole load of other not nice symptoms. Many of ask our doctors and nutritionist what we can do to ease some of the discomforting symptoms during pregnancy and they will tell you to take ...