Articles for tag: Bergamot, Earl Grey, Earl Grey Tea

Karla News

Earl and Lady Grey Teas

Earl Grey and Lady Grey teas are two of my favorite teas. The reason is because , for me, is, like peppermint tea, it can be drunk at any given time,though, some tea lovers would disagree and say that Lady Grey is an afternoon tea; but I digress. Earl Grey tea is one of the ...

Health Benefits of Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey tea has its roots in British history, a tea named after the generous British Prime Minister who received bergamot-oil spiked tea from the Far East. Today, the tea is commonly found alongside the classic English Breakfast and other assortments, and can be served both with or without milk and cream. Still, Earl Grey ...

Karla News

5 Top Black Tea’s Available Today

Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. It can be served cold or hot. Some people enjoy it with milk, sugar, cream, flavoring, or plain. The variety is endless. Of the tea consumed in the world the Black Tea’s tend to dominate the market. These are stronger tea’s then green, ...

Karla News

Teavana Teas Versus Trader Joe’s Teas

Teavana loose leaf teas are an incredible taste sensation and available in a wide variety of flavors. Teavana sells red, white, green, flavored green, herbal, oolong, and flavored and scented black teas. Teavana white tea, which is detoxifying and contains even more antioxidants than green tea, comes in several flavors including Precious White Peach, Pear ...

Karla News

Types of Black Tea: An Overview

Of all the types of tea, black tea is the most powerful. Few can mistake Black Tea’s distinct bold flavors, however, even black tea has its subtleties, from a soft hint of smoke to kiss of fruit, the taste of black tea varies greatly by its type. All black tea contains more caffeine than regular ...

Karla News

Earl Grey Tea: Stash, Bigelow, or Lipton

With the exception of herbal teas, all tea is derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant. According to the Tea Association of the USA, the difference between these teas is “the various degrees of processing” and how long the leaves are oxidized, which means how long they are in contact with oxygen. This is also referred ...