Articles for tag: Ear Drops, Remove Wax, Static Electricity, swimmer's ear

5 Ways I Reduced My Bouts of Swimmer’s Ear

As a child, I spent a lot of time swimming or engaging in other water related activities. Unfortunately for me, I also suffered from frequent bouts of swimmer’s ear. Because of that experience, I learned how to reduce my chances of contracting the ear infection. With that said, here’s five swimmer’s ear prevention techniques that ...

Karla News

How to Clean Wax from an Infant’s Ear

When proud parents bring their babies home, they marvel at those tiny smiles and play with those twinkling toes. They can see Grandma’s eyes, Grandpas toes and Uncle Charlie’s dimples, but there is harm in thinking that babies are just like pint sized versions of adults. Babies are as fragile as they are beautiful and ...

Help for a Painful Ear Infection

The ear has three parts, the outer, middle, and inner ear. The outer ear is both the ear that we see, and the outer ear canal, a passage about 20 mm long which leads from the pinnate to the eardrum. The middle ear is bridged by three small connected bones called the hammer, anvil, and ...

Karla News

How to Remove Fluid from Your Ears

Fluid buildup in a person’s ears can result from a cold or infection. Swimming, for example, can lead to infection of the ear canal. In some cases the fluid in the ear will go away on its own. If it doesn’t, however, it can become quite painful, can interfere with hearing and can even cause ...

Karla News

Causes of Ear Pain

The causes of ear pain tend to vary based on age. Children are far more likely than adults to acquire an ear infection whereas adults with ear pain tend to be dealing with conditions not directly related to the ear. Ear pain causes include an inner ear infection, swimmer’s ear, a ruptured eardrum, earwax blockage, ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments for Ear Infections

When I was a child, I seemed to have more than my share of ear infections. As I grew older, the infections became fewer, but no one can “outgrow” this painful medical condition. If you catch an ear infection at its onset, the chances are good that it will be healed quickly and it won’t ...

Debrox Earwax Removal Kit Product Review

The season is starting out rough for my guy. First, he got a summer cold. Then, his ears became so plugged that he could barely hear. I followed my own advice- read”Tips for Getting Over a Cold”- to help get him back on his feet. After the cold virus left, hearing was pretty much restored ...

Karla News

How to Make and Use Ear Drops to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is a bacterial infection of the outer ear canal. In the medical field, it’s called “acute external otitis” or “otitis externa”. It’s commonly caused by water stuck in the ear after swimming, hence its name. It can also be caused by other water sports, or when there is excessive moisture left in the ...

Karla News

Dog Ear Infection – Natural Home Remedy and Prevention Methods

Ear infection is a common ailment for dogs and usually manifests many times throughout a dog’s life. To curtail the number of times your dog develops ear infection and to treat the ailment once it presents, try these natural home remedy and prevention methods that have saved me money on vet bills and kept my ...