Articles for tag: Ear Canal, Ear Candles, Ear Candling, Ear Wax, Earwax

Karla News

How to Use an Ear Candle

The FDA would like to regulate ear candles as a “medical device.” But, ear candling is an old folk remedy that works well, if it is done properly and to remedy the right situation. Ear candling is helpful for hearing loss due to ear wax or obstructions caused by an air pocket, such as can ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments for Ear Infections

When I was a child, I seemed to have more than my share of ear infections. As I grew older, the infections became fewer, but no one can “outgrow” this painful medical condition. If you catch an ear infection at its onset, the chances are good that it will be healed quickly and it won’t ...

Does Ear Candling Work?

For years, I have been a vocal advocate of evidence-based holistic health. I’ve spent much of my career glued to a glowing screen, learning about the safety, efficacy, and contraindications associated with specific practices within alternative medicine. Over the years, I’ve butted heads with my colleagues in the field, many of whom promote practices that ...

Facts You Should Know About Ear Candling

Okay this is going to sound weird if you have never heard of this before. But if you go to the health section at some major health food stores you might run into a product called an “ear candle”. And as weird as that may seem they are real. Now you might be looking at ...