Articles for tag: Anthony Burgess, Dystopia, Lois Lowry

Karla News

Dystopian Books, Utopian Literature like “The Hunger Games”

You read “The Hunger Games”,”Catching Fire” and “Mockingjay.” You saw “The Hunger Games” movie–six times. Until Suzanne Collins writes another book or the “Catching Fire” movie comes out, how will you satisfy your lust for dystopian literature? You’ll take this handy list of best futuristic dystopian/utopian books to your local library and get busy reading. ...

Karla News

Corning’s Glass Vision of the Future

Corning Incorporated, the American glass manufacturer, has a pretty amazing vision of the future. The company issued a video about the future of glass on YouTube 3 weeks ago (called “A Day Made of Glass”), and it has now gone viral with 6.9 million views as of this writing (you can see it here). Apparently, ...

Karla News

The Complete List of Dystopia Novels

As a lover of dystopia novels, I decided to compile a complete list of all dystopia novels. After several weeks, I realized that the list might never be complete as there is always one more book out there hiding in the back corner of a dimly lit bookshop or a new book just being born, ...

Karla News

Brave New World – Utopia or Dystopia

The novel Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, portrays a dystopian society that completely limits the citizen’s lifestyle. Like many other dystopian societies, it is under the guise of being utopian. The residents are born into a permanent caste system, all the citizens are at the absolute mercy of 10 World Controllers, and they are ...