Articles for tag: Dwarf Hamsters, Pet Trade

Karla News

How to Care for a Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster

These tiny hamsters are known by many names, some of which are longer than the actual hamster. Known as the Campbell’s dwarf, the Siberian dwarf and the Djungarian, they are perhaps best known as the Russian dwarf hamster. They are mostly silvery-grey with a pale belly and throat, but several new colors and patterns are ...

Karla News

Why Do Hamsters Fight with One Another?

There are several types of hamsters and most are not social. Dwarf hamsters are the only hamsters that can be raised and housed together when they are adults. Syrian hamsters on the other hand will fight all the time if housed together as adults, even if they are siblings. Syrian hamsters or Teddy bear hamsters ...

Karla News

Tips for Buying Dwarf Hamster Cages

Many first time dwarf hamster keepers make the mistake of thinking that any cage in a shop listed as being for a hamster means that they are okay for dwarf hamsters. Most commercially made hamster cages are scaled for the much larger Syrian of golden hamster. Dwarf hamsters can (and will) easily slip between the ...

Karla News

How to Choose the Best Cage for Your Hamster

Hamster cages come in different sizes, colors, materials and with many different attachments. You may feel overwhelmed when you see how many different types of cages there are to buy. Here is a small list of cages that you can readily find in places like Petsmart, Petco and places online that specialize in cages. Crittertrail ...

Karla News

How to Litter Box Train Your Hamster

Hamsters are great pets and contrary to popular belief, they can be very clean. No matter your hamster’s age, it’s never too late to train them to use the litter box just like a cat. Unfortunately this type of litter box training doesn’t work for the bowel movement, but rather the bladder movement. The reason ...

Karla News

Do Hamsters Need to Take Baths?

Hamsters are clean animals and clean themselves on a regular basis. You may never need to bathe your hamster, but if you do there are some basic things you need to know before you try. Do hamsters need a bath? For the most part hamsters do not need to be given baths. Hamsters clean themselves ...

Karla News

Preventing Cannibalism in Hamsters

Hamsters are cute, comical ‘” and cannibals. They will pass up a chance of eating dead hamsters. They evolved in arid, food-poor regions, and so they will not pass up any chance to chow down on a huge source of fresh protein. But hamster cannibalism is most prevalent in mother hamsters killing and eating their ...

Karla News

Hamsters Vs. Gerbils: Which Rodent Is a Better Pet?

To most people, there isn’t much of a difference between a pet gerbil and a pet hamster. Both eat a similar diet, live in similar captive habitats, and require a similar amount of care. Despite their superficial similarities, these two rodents are actually quite different in many critical ways. There is no clear benefit to ...

Karla News

Siberian Hamsters as Pets – the Best You can Buy

A lot of people like Siberian hamsters because they are dwarf hamsters. Things are cute when they are small. These small hamsters are also very good at escaping their cages and the smaller the hamster, the harder it is to find. If you have cats in the house it might not be a good idea ...

Karla News

Why Some Siberian Dwarf Hamsters Fight

Many people prefer dwarf hamsters to larger Syrian hamsters because they are told that they can keep more than one per cage. Although dwarf hamsters (with the exception of the Chinese dwarf hamster) can live in pairs or small colonies, these dwarf hamsters may suddenly pick a fight and may have to be housed separately. ...