Articles for tag: Durkheim, Emile Durkheim, Iceman, Sociological Theory, The Iceman

Karla News

Analyzing the Iceman – Richard Kuklinski

“If I think about what I’ve done, it would hurt me, so I don’t think about it…If I had a choice, well, you have said we all have choices, that’s true, but at the time, I didn’t seem to have one. If I could, I would have liked to be different than what I am. ...

Karla News

Criminology Essay

Criminology Essays 1. Provide an argument for the death penalty using rational choice/deterrence theory. Rational choice theory depends on the personal choice of all people to engage in conforming or deviant behavior based on the perceived reward or punishment of the act. The theory is dependent upon many factors that affect this perception. Deterrence theory ...

Karla News

Emile Durkheim: Founder of Modern Sociology

David Emile Durkheim was born on April 15, 1858 in Lorraine, France. He was born into a family of Jews whose father and grandfather held the position of a rabbi. (About Sociology, p. 1) During his academic years, Durkheim became known as an outstanding intellect, receiving various awards and accolades for his academics and attending ...

Karla News

What Does Durkheim Mean by Social Fact?

In the essay, “What is a Social Fact?” by Emile Durkheim, Durkheim argues that the subject area of sociology must be narrowed to a definable realm in order to differentiate it from other social studies. To do this, Durkheim posits that we must limit sociology to the analysis and study of “social facts” which he ...

Marx, Durkheim, Weber and the Nature of the Social

Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx perhaps contributed more than all other 19th century philosophers combined to the way in which the nature of the social came to be viewed as phenomenon in the twentieth century. Each of these now widely ready thinkers eventually developed philosophical constructs that places locates the center of the ...

Karla News

Durkheim’s Sociology

The sociological paradigms developed by Emile Durkheim in the late nineteenth century remain an important part of academic discourse. For instance, Durkheim believed that deviance was a functional and even natural part of society. In an effort to demonstrate how Durkheim was able to reach this conclusion, this brief investigation considers the basic tenets of ...

Karla News

Functionalist Definitions and Typologies of Anomie

Though Emile Durkheim and Robert K. Merton are two of the most influential theorists in the Functionalist school of sociological theory and they had similar views on concepts such as socialization and empirical analysis of sociological theory, they had differing views on the concept of anomie and they developed different typologies related to their individual ...

Karla News

Classical Tradition in Social Theory: Marx, Weber and Durkheim

Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber all analyzed the way in which society is constructed in great part from its relationship to economic conditions; specifically the division of labor. That the effect the forces of labor and economics have on the way societies are shaped and the way they evolve should be of primary ...

Karla News

Sociological Perspective: Functionalism

Functionalism is one of the core perspectives of sociology. Sociology examines the contexts in which people live and how these contests affect them. In essence, sociology examines the question of why the world is the way that it is. Functionalism, along with conflict theory and interactionism, is one of the major schools of sociological thought, ...

Karla News

Theories Regarding Criminal Behavior and Recidivism and Offense Cateories

The functionalist theory explains crime as a result of the lack of moral regulation within a society which is produced by structural tensions within a society. Durkheim initially introduced a term, “anomie” which described a feeling of disorientation and anxiety as a result of the “breakdown of traditional life in modern society” (Giddens, Duneier, & ...