Articles for tag: Carbonated Beverages, Dry Socket, Tooth Extraction

Things to Avoid After Teeth (Tooth) Extraction

You survived the scary experience of having your tooth or teeth extracted (pulled). Congratulations. You are half way there. What? What could that possible mean, only half way? What could possibly be left for you to do? The answer is simple. You must heal and you must heal properly to be assured of less pain. ...

Karla News

Oral Surgery – Before and After

Patients who have a painful or broken tooth, an unusual growth or sore in their mouth, or gum disease may be expecting to have oral surgery. Dental implants have become common. Even simple surgical procedures can be taxing for some patients. Expect dentists to spend time with their patient before and after the surgical procedure ...

Karla News

Diet Tips After Getting Wisdom Teeth Removed

Post-surgery Diet If you discovered this article, you may be about to get your wisdom teeth removed and are wondering what in the world you’re supposed to eat. On the other hand, you may have just had your wisdom teeth extracted and are bored of the same two or three foods already, so you want ...

Karla News

How to Survive Wisdom Teeth Removal

The best way to care for yourself after wisdom teeth after extraction is to follow your oral surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully. It is important to have someone around to help take care of you, especially if you are on pain medication and less than alert. It is much easier to follow a dosing schedule for ...

Karla News

How to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed Without Insurance

Recently, our son needed his wisdom teeth removed, but our insurance did not cover it. With some research, we received a brief education about wisdom teeth and how to have them removed cheaply. Research states that most young people between the ages of 17 and 25 grow wisdom teeth. Experts can not agree on the ...

Karla News

Five Tips to Survive a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Three hours ago, I was sitting nervously and reluctantly in the dentist chair, waiting to get a wisdom and molar pulled. After my horrible experience two years ago with an infected wisdom tooth extraction, I was close to a panic attack. Being the queen of procrastination, I have put this off for two years now. ...

Karla News

Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Getting your wisdom teeth pulled out is not that big of a deal and it is a process that most people go through during their lifetime. Thanks to modern medicine and technology, getting your wisdom teeth pulled no longer hurts and very often you won’t need to get a shot that will put you to ...

Karla News

Removal of Wisdom Teeth: What to Expect

About three months ago I had three wisdom teeth removed. Does this make me any less wise? Not to my knowledge. Perhaps it has made me even wiser, at least about the experience of having wisdom teeth removed. I decided to share this knowledge so that you could have a better idea of what to ...

Dry Socket Home Remedies

I had a tooth pulled on Saturday. The procedure was so smooth it was over before I knew it, so I felt lucky, since the previous one had been a nightmare. I followed all of the dentist’s recommendations to the letter: no smoking (I don’t smoke, so that one was easy), no spitting (gross! easy!), ...