Articles for tag: Dr. Strangelove, Funniest Movies, reader's digest

Karla News

Ups and Downs in the Precarious Life of a Secret Agent

The Bull of the Cash Cows The James Bond series is the longest running movie franchise of all time. Since the debut of Dr. No in 1962, 007 has held the attention of the movie audience. The influence of Bond spread across the Pop culture landscape to include music, fashion, cocktails and cars. Over the ...

The Stanley Kubrick Collection Boxed Set DVD: A Review

The Stanley Kubrick Collection is a deluxe box-set edition featuring some of the Mr. Kubrick’s greatest films, but unfortunately omitting major masterpieces in exchange for what is conventionally assumed to be his least successful movie. The good news is you get 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket. The ...