Articles for tag: Birthday Party Decorations, Diy Decorations

Karla News

A Max and Ruby Tea Party Birthday Celebration

Max and Ruby, those adorable fat white bunnies with their own Nick Jr. TV show, have gathered quite a following among children, especially preschool age kids. So when my own child was choosing which character themed party that she wanted to celebrate her birthday with, she had little trouble deciding on a Max and Ruby ...

Karla News

DIY Fire Truck Decorations for Kids Rooms

My four year old recently discovered a love of fire trucks, and – along with each new interest – he and I like to find new ways to decorate his room. Cue the painting supplies, sewing machine, and repurposed items, and we now have a room full of DIY fire truck decorations that any firefighter ...

Karla News

Asian-Themed Weddings: Zen Simplicity and Grace

Far from the land of Laura Ashley and yards of white satin, the Asian-themed wedding turns everything upside down. White is not cool in an Asian-themed wedding, being the color of death, but you’ll see lots and lots of red and black for luck and prosperity. Brides drawn to the Zen-like simplicity of an Asian-themed ...