Articles for tag: Business Etiquette, Celebrity Children, Dining Etiquette

5 Dos and Don’ts of Successful A-list Aides

Celebrity personal assistants are the right-hand men and women to moguls, musicians, athletes and corporate raiders. Learn how to coordinate and support the lifestyle of the rich and famous as the ultimate A-list administrative specialist. Expect great pay, tons of stress and long work hours. A good personal assistant is part business manager, chauffer, event ...

Portuguese Manners for Business Travelers

When doing business in Portugal you’ll be surprised to find that business doesn’t really get going until about 10:00 a.m., although many businesses open at 9:00. Make appointments for late morning or mid-afternoon. Schedule all appointments about a week or two in advance but confirm the appointment before hopping a plane. In many countries you’ll ...

Karla News

Dining Etiquette: The Rules of the Dinner Table

Table manners and dining etiquette are an important part of the dining experience, even more so when in the company of professional guests, clients, employers, and certain family members. Whether you grew up in a dinner-disciplined environment or not, the rules of the table are never changing in the formal setting. There are certain traits ...

Karla News

Borat: Controversial 2006 Comedy

Kazakhstani TV personality Borat is dispatched to the United States to report on the “greatest country in the world.” With a documentary crew in tow, Borat becomes more interested in locating and marrying Pamela Anderson than on his assignment. I loved this movie just from the trailers. It caused a bit of controversy and Fox ...

Karla News

Etiquette Classes in New York

In honor of National Etiquette Week, I am highlighting hot spots in New York that offer workshops about manners and proper social behavior. National Etiquette Week is an annual event, beginning the second Monday in May, that was established by Sandra Morisset in 1997. Ms. Morisset is also the director of Protocol Training Services, a ...