Articles for tag: Casserole Dishes, Digestive Issues

The Health Benefits and Uses of Horseradishes

Horseradishes are root vegetables I do not care much for because of their spicy flavor, but when I have a bad sinus infection, I do like to crush them up and add them to my soup. The spicy warmness of the horseradishes always opens up my sinuses so I can breathe and be headache free ...

What Makes People Fart?

The average person farts about 14 times a day (even us ladies, who claim we have “Barbie butts”), which is the equivalent of about a half liter of gas that we expel through our bodies via our anus. Farting is just a natural thing, caused by excess air we consume when swallowing, by gases passed ...

Natural Remedies for an Upset Stomach

Ginger Ginger is a well known natural remedy for nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain which is why, as reported by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), it is found in many supplements that deal with flu or digestive issues. My personal experience with ginger is that it is effective but I can’t ...

Best Medicinal Herbal Teas

Do you have taking medicine when you are sick? I know I do because I am very sensitive to over the counter and prescription medicines and prefer natural alternatives that are gentler and healthier for my body and work just as well. Some of the best alternative medicines for common illnesses come in the form ...