Articles for tag: Diets Don't Work, Fad Diets, Homeostasis, Low Fat Diets, Water Weight

Eight Reasons Why Fad Diets Don’t Work

Each year millions of people go on fad diets hoping to lose pounds and gain a slimmer, trimmer body. They try low-fat diets, protein diets, milkshake diets, low-carb diets, and even diets that limit them to one food group like the grapefruit diet. Many lose weight quickly, touting the success of the diet. Unfortunately, most ...

Karla News

Five Ways to Lose 2 Pounds in One Week

If you truly stuck to any diet plan, you could potentially lose the weight, but sticking to it isn’t always that easy. Here are a few guidelines you should consider if you really want to lose the weight. Your Motive: Why do you want to lose weight? If you said, “To have more energy and ...

The Problem with Meal Replacement Diets

I’ve tried them all riding the yo-yo dieting circuit for years. I’ve finally lost approximately 100 pounds and am in the best shape of my life, and I’d like to offer you my take on meal replacement diets. You can certainly lose weight using meal replacement. Losing weight using meal replacement diets is often quick, ...

Karla News

Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40

When you are a woman over the age of 40, weight loss becomes a different game than when you were younger. The same methods you used to lose weight in your 20’s or even 30’s may no longer work as well for you. When women reach a certain age, their metabolism starts to slow down ...