Articles for tag: Diastolic, Low Blood Pressure, Prehypertension, Systolic

Karla News

Explanation of Your Blood Pressure Reading

If you’ve ever wondered exactly what your blood pressure reading means, you’re not alone. Most people would prefer a simple explanation of your blood pressure reading, and even simpler answers as to how to improve your blood pressure reading, especially if it’s particularly high. For a simple explanation of your blood pressure reading and solid ...

The Anatomy & Physiology of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure, although commonly checked during doctors appointments using an instrument known as a sphygmomanometer on the brachial artery, is not usually well understood from a biological standpoint. Understanding the controlling physiological forces behind blood pressure is an important part of understanding how the circulatory system, and the human body, works. Defining and understanding blood ...

Karla News

Normal Blood Pressure in Dogs

Blood pressure is not usually taken in a normal dog veterinary check up and only taken if the vet suspects something is wrong, such as kidney problems or heart disease. Taking a dog’s blood pressure is not as easy as it is as taking the dog owner’s blood pressure, but the theory is similar. According ...

What is Prehypertension?

A recent clinical vignette in the New England Journal of Medicine touched upon the issue of what blood pressure numbers, i.e. the systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) are considered too high. Traditionally, hypertension has been defined as either a systolic greater than 140 or a diastolic greater than 90. Though recently these cut-offs ...

Bystolic: New Hypertension Drug

“Recent studies show that about 65 percent of patients are falling to reduce their blood pressure to the acceptable range.” 16 Hypertension or arterial hypertension refers to high blood pressure (HTN) in the arteries. 3 In the United States 72 million adults are affected by hypertension. 6 Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the ...

Transient Ischemic Dilation in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging

People with known or suspected coronary artery disease frequently undergo myocardial perfusion imaging as part of the workup for disease and risk management. The stress versus rest gated SPECT myocardial perfusion scan is particularly useful because it evaluates overall physiologic function (exercise capacity), electrocardiographic changes with stress, left ventricular size, myocardial perfusion, and left ventricular ...