Articles for tag: Diaper Wipes, Huggies, parent's choice

Karla News

Huggies Diaper Wipes Vs. Parent’s Choice Diaper Wipes

Diaper Wipes are the stable of any family with a baby or infant. They are in fact multipurpose for this age group. They can be used for everything from the obvious diaper chance, wiping dirty faces and hands, to even cleaning dirty messes. Although wipes can be easily made at home, most parents use commercially ...

Karla News

The Wipes Challenge: Huggies Vs. Pampers

I a mother of two children under the age of three, so I feel like I have become well versed in the use of diaper wipes. The main things that I look for in a quality wipe are: accessibility (how quickly can I get them out of the packaging), functionality (how well they actually get ...

Karla News

Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes Review

It seems like there are so many different brands and styles of diaper wipes on the market these days. When my girls were babies there were just a couple of brands of diaper wipes on the market and of course, being new they were wonderful! Many improvements have been made to them in recent years ...

Karla News

Free & Clear Shampoo for Sensitive Skin

Over the last few weeks I have been spending a lot of time at my pharmacy, and one day while I was killing some time waiting for my prescriptions to be filled I started to look at some of the unique products available through this store. For a long time I have found products sold ...

Karla News

How to Treat Severe Diaper Rash

When my daughter was first born, she was a little bundle of peaches and cream with a shock of red hair that made me grin. Within weeks, it was obvious that she also had hypersensitivity to many things. She needed hypoallergenic formula, and had to use either cloth or herbal disposable diapers. I learned quickly ...

Karla News

Tips to Make Geocaching with Kids a Success

Angela Ballou has a great article about the hobby of Geocaching that gives her personal experiences as well as a lot of great tips and ideas. However, I feel her article is geared more towards an adult audience and want to share with you some of the tips I’ve discovered over the past three years ...

Karla News

Thoughtful Gifts for New Grandparents

A new baby is a cause for celebration. While it’s customary to consecrate a new mother-to-be and the new infant with a baby shower, new grandparents also deserve acknowledgement. This doesn’t mean throwing the new grandparents a shower of their own but commemorating their new position by giving them a thoughtful gift. One of these ...

Karla News

Super Gifts for Expectant Dads

Dads-to-be are special people, too. But with all the focus on the mother-to-be, and the baby coming, an expectant Dad often gets lost in the shuffle. That is just not fair, especially in this day and age, when fathers do so much more for, and with, their babies than ever before. But what gift can ...

Karla News

Shopping List for a Newborn Baby

It’s hard to believe that small babies can require so many things, but as you are about to find out, they do. Before your baby comes into the world, there are many special things you’ll have to purchase. It can be difficult to think ahead of time (especially if this is your first child) and ...