Articles for tag: Diamond Jewelry, Glass Cleaner, Jewelry Cleaner

Cleaning Diamond Jewelry: Simple Home Remedies

While exploring booths set up by individuals at my local county fair this past summer, I discovered a fantastic product for cleaning diamond jewelry. The lady who was eager to sell her product voluntarily cleaned and shined my diamond rings in a matter of seconds. The product worked quite well, but I couldn’t see spending ...

Karla News

Diamond Jewelry: Truly Forever

Diamond: a rare exquisite gem that has been immortalized through time. What separates this gem from the rest of the pack is its clarity fused with age-old tradition. Diamond jewelry has been associated with romance, something that represents a long and lasting love. Because it resembles something lasting, diamond jewelries are also some of the ...

Why Are Chocolate Diamonds Really Hot?

Alexa knew something was up when she spotted a bag from a local jewelry store tucked behind the driver’s seat of Robert’s car. While she figured it was something sparkly he planned to give her over dinner that night, she had no idea how surprised she’d be when she finally opened the box. The pendant ...