Articles for tag: Cataract Surgery, Diabetes 2, Elective Surgery

What to Ask Your Doctor Before Cataract Surgery

Before you just accept you Ophthalmologists advice to get cataract surgery there are many questions you should ask your Surgeon. Generally besides the inherent risks of the surgery itself as there are in all surgeries, there are other longer term risks just from getting the surgery. Basically these risks increase significantly if the patient has ...

Low Carb Fajitas

Fajitas are my favorite Mexican food. I recently went on a low carb diet to lose weight and to keep from getting diabetes 2. I have adapted many of my favorite recipes so that I can still eat my favorite foods. Here is how I now make fajitas. Enjoy! Prep Time: 20 minutes – Cook ...

Karla News

The Ten Most Delicious Healthy Foods

1. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is amazing. It’s a rich, heavenly treat that also has proven health benefits. It can improve heart health, blood pressure, reduce “bad” cholesterol, and improve blood flow. It may even reduce the risk of diabetes. That’s right, a candy can reduce the risk of diabetes. 2. Tart Frozen Yogurt Soft ...

Karla News

Hirsutism Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Hirsutism is hair that is unwanted. This condition effects women who have large amounts of body hair in certain areas. The hair is often coarse and grows as facial hair and on the neck areas. Hirsutism is often termed by doctors as male pattern hair growth. The reason for this imbalance occurring is either heredity ...