Articles for tag: Dermatitis

Skin Infections and Diseases: Prevention And Treatment

�This article examines common skin ailments such as dermatitis, infections and cancer and offers treatments and preventative measures.The skin, which is the body’s largest organ, is its first line of defense against infections. The classifications of these skin conditions are: dermatitis, bacterial and fungal infections, and cancer. Dermatitis: Dermatitis is a superficial skin inflammation characterized ...

What is Seborrheic Dermatitis – Cradle Cap or Dandruff

If you’ve heard of “cradle cap” or “dandruff,” you have heard of seborrheic dermatitis. This skin condition causes flaking of the skin and most often affects the scalp. In infants, the term “cradle cap” is often used while the word “dandruff” is reserved for children and adults. The condition is most often seen in newborns ...

Karla News

How to Cure Wedding Ring Dermatitis

It can happen a day after your spouse puts the ring on your finger, a month later, a year later, even several years later. Suddenly, one day, you notice that the skin beneath the ring becomes red, itchy and irritated. The bad news is, your skin might be allergic to the metal in the ring. ...

Is it Seborrheic Dermatitis or Psoriasis?

Chronic dandruff is often called by a scalp condition, such as seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis. If you are constantly experiencing a dandruff problem, you may be wondering if either of these conditions could be affecting you. How can you tell the difference between seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis, however? Here are some of the things that ...

Face Rash

There is a rash that is known as a contact dermatitis and this is a very common occurrence among younger adults. Even middle aged adults can have their first outbreak of facial contact dermatitis. This type of face rash is caused by an allergen of some type coming in direct contact with the facial skin. ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Curing Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a disease that affects almost any part of the body. It is characterized by redness, heat, swelling and itching of the skin. This inflammation of the skin may be both internal and external. The symptoms of dermatitis vary according to its severity and stage of evolution. The primary symptom of dermatitis is redness ...

Karla News

Miliary Dermatitis in Cats: Symptoms and Treatment

It took almost two years after joining our household for the nervous Maine Coon cat to let me touch her. I could only brush against her fur when she decided to approach. My joy was short-lived when my fingers felt rows of small, crusty bumps on her neck. To a rescue volunteer, they were familiar ...

Karla News

Different Types of Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis The direct contact of an irritant substance with the skin can produce contact dermatitis. In most cases this sensitivity to a substance is peculiar to the individual and therefore has an allergic basis. Some examples of irritants are soaps, hair dyes, and nickel (as in buckles and necklaces). When contact with the irritant ...

Karla News

Cat Dandruff Treatment, Causes and Symptoms

When my cat Celeste developed dry, flaky skin, I assumed that cat dandruff was to blame. Celeste’s veterinarian explained that millions of cats suffer from chronic skin diseases that resemble cat dandruff. Small parasites like Cheyletiella– a small, contagious mite that irritates the skin– cause itchy, flaking skin and minor hair loss. Additionally, chronic allergic ...