Articles for tag: Antibiotics, Dental Pain, Flesh Eating Bacteria, Root Canal Treatment

Karla News

Avoid Infection by Avoiding Antibiotics

A patient comes in with the chief complaint of a toothache. After a short examination including an X-ray film, tapping on the tooth, and checking the gums the dentist determines that tooth decay is deep enough inside the tooth to infect the pulp or the root canal. The patient needs root canal treatment. Hearing “infection,” ...

Karla News

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Breathing oxygen sustains our life, and heals injuries to the skin, muscle, bones and tissues. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment increases the oxygen flow, for treating severe injuries to tissues, when conventional methods will not provide sufficient healing or likely to prevent death. Treatment begins, when a patient is inside a hyperbaric chamber, where 100 percent oxygen ...

Karla News

When You Can’t Afford a Dentist

Many people go through trying economic times, and unfortunately often healthcare ends up on the back burner. Although a trip to the dentist isn’t something most people look forward to, it may not be a matter of choice for those having financial difficulties. There are some steps to take that can alleviate some of the ...

Karla News

When Mouth Pain is Not Dental Pain

It makes sense that whenever someone has pain in their mouth or in their face, that they first vist their friendly, neighborhood dentist. Jaw pain is usually from an infected tooth, or a gum problem or even a problem with the jaw joint (the TMJ) or the muscles used for chewing. Often, the dentist will ...

Karla News

How to Treat a Toothache at Home

I inherited the “bad teeth” gene from my mother and have been having painful visits to my dentist since I was a child. Every time I think that there’s no possibility that I could have another problem, one pops up. And a toothache, or dental pain, most often appears when I won’t be able to ...

Karla News

The Risks and Side Effects of Acupuncture

Many Americans deal with some form of pain on a daily basis, whether it be from chronic lower back pain, headaches, or pain related to conditions such as cancer. Medications used to treat chronic pain frequently have side effects such as sedation which make it difficult to function during the day, and these medications only ...