Articles for tag: Carbonated Beverages, Caries, Dental Caries

Common Causes of Enamel Erosion and Ways to Prevent It

Your teeth are covered with an outer protective and translucent shell called enamel. It helps protect the inner and more fragile components of your teeth such as dentin from chewing, biting, grinding, and keeps the teeth insulated from harsh temperature changes. When the enamel cracks or corrodes away, our inner teeth are exposed and at ...

Karla News

Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, and leads to damage to tooth enamel, which results in cavities. It can also result in tooth pain, infection, tooth loss, and in very severe cases, tooth decay can result in death. There are several signs you can look for in recognizing tooth decay. You can also effectively deal ...

Karla News

Six Foods that Are Good for Your Teeth

You only have one set of pearly whites, so you’d better keep them healthy. One of the best ways to keep teeth in tip top shape is to watch what goes into your mouth. Certain foods, especially sugary ones, directly contribute to tooth decay and gum disease which can ultimately lead to tooth loss – ...

Karla News

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin because the sun is a natural source of vitamin D. When sunrays hit our skin, it triggers vitamin D production in our bodies. The problem is that in modern society where people spend the majority of times indoors or slather themselves in sunblock before going outside, many ...

Karla News

Effects of Chewing Tobacco: Oral, Breast and Lung Cancer

If you are thinking about quiting smoking and believe that chewing tobacco is a safe alternative, think again. In many ways chewing tobacco is worse than smoking. The dangers of chewing tobacco are numerous. Chewing tobacco is commonly available in two major types; snuff and loose leaf. Snuff is a fine cut tobacco leaf where ...

How to Deal with Dental Caries or Tooth Decay

Dental caries is another name for tooth decay. The tooth enamel suffers from holes that eventually destroy its structure. The second most common disorder after the common colds, tooth decay usually affects children and young adults. But, really, any person can get tooth decay. Those who do not brush often and who have a lot ...