Articles for tag: Children and Pets, Crocus, Datura, Gastroenteritis, Toxic Plants

Karla News

Toxic Plants in Your Garden: Keep Your Children and Pets Safe

Gardening is such a life-affirming pastime our families can enjoy together. Nothing touches us more than to watch our little ones’ eyes widen with delight at some small miracle of nature or to watch our pets chasing after butterflies and exploring plants. Our gardens are our refuge from the stresses of daily life and a ...

Karla News

How to Plant and Care for Angel Trumpet Vines

I love the angel trumpet vine. The flowers dangle from upright stems, looking like a long trumpet and they are wonderfully fragrant. The flowers have single or double blooms. They come in a variety of colors like white, yellow, pink, orange and cream. The flowers can be as long as 20 inches long. Be careful ...

Karla News

Datura and Brugmansia Care

Datura and Brugmansia are native plants from South America and it can be grow outdoors during the summer months. When the temperatures fall below 60 degrees F., you need to take these plants indoors unless you live in an area where the temperatures stay warm throughout the year. When taking these plants indoors, decide on ...

Legal Herbs for Relaxation

Yes, I know – there are some pretty powerful herbs I will not be discussing in this list. Herbs like marijuana, jimsomweed (loco weed, datura) and damiana will not only get you as relaxed as a rag doll, but they can also get you amazingly ill if not used under strict medical supervision. Another problem ...

Karla News

Five of the Best Night Scented Flowers

Most plants bloom during the day when the sun shines, but there are some plants that are too shy to bloom during the day. They save all their beauty and release their fragrance to grace the nighttime hours. It’s always nice to open the windows and allow the breeze to carry the scent into the ...