Articles for tag: Brigid, Character Analysis, Dashiell Hammett

Karla News

Character Analysis in The Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett is a thrilling movie full of twists and turns and deceits. Each character wants the Maltese falcon for the rewards it will bring. Almost everyone is a villain in some way or another. I will start with Sam Spade. He is the hero of the story, but I would ...

Karla News

Dashiell Hammett’s “Red Harvest”: Lying, Cheating, and Stealing Their Way to the Top

Dashiell Hammett paints a particularly devastating notion of community in his novel, Red Harvest. In his appropriately cynical description of Poisonville, Hammett utilizes simplified language and hyperbole to demonstrate the situation prevalent in America during the period. Much like the United States at this time, crime runs rampant, big business dominates politics and power schematics, ...

Karla News

The Fates of the Hollywood Ten: Jailed and Blacklisted for Not Naming Names

Hollywood. 1947. A committee called the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was formed to investigate the lives of those involved in the Motion Picture Industry. Actors, writers, producers, directors and crewman were called in to discuss their personal political associations. The fear of Communism invading our country through films delivering messages of propaganda both ...

Karla News

Relationships in Dashiell Hammett’s The Thin Man Reveal the Electra Complex

Sigmund Freud’s well-known theory of the Oedipus complex “explain[s] the maturation of the infant boy through identification with the father and desire for the mother” (“Oedipus complex”). Perhaps less well-known is the female counterpart to this theory, the Electra complex. The theory, developed by Freud and coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung in reference to a ...